Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa

Tinkering at lofty heights

The fifth athlete workshop in the Wilder Kaiser region of Tyrol

15.06.2019 | Friendly chats, good discussions, lots of climbing during the very best weather conditions: The LOWA athletes’ meeting in 2019 attracted the who’s who of the moun­tain­eering community once again. LOWA developes new Alpine boots with the help of its athletic team.

The athletes from the LOWA PRO and ACTIVE teams spent three days with a colourful mix of LOWA employees, mountain guides and blog partners to put the newest products from the LOWA shoe forge to tough, real-world tests.

Hiking at Wilder Kaiser

After a beautiful hike on the Wilder Kaiser to the cabin, the first day offered an oppor­tunity to try the new products for the first time. Under sunny skies, the group – consisting of moun­tain­eering stars like Hans Kammer­lander, Simon Gietl, Ralf Dujmovits, Ines Papert and Rudi Hauser – took on the “home wall” of the cabin called Vorder­kais­er­feld­enhütte. In addition to fit and comfort, the group wanted to test the boot’s grip. A breath­taking sunset brought an end to the first day. Back in the cabin, it was time for theory: Together, the group tinkered, refined, talked – and really important – laughed a lot.

  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa
  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa
  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa
  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa
  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa
  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa
  • Athletenmeeting 2019 Ralf Dujmovits
  • Athletenmeeting 2019 Romina Neumaier

Climbing on the Stein­grubenschneid

The next day, the newly gained knowledge was extensively tested and expanded. In the Stein­grubenschneid climbing area, concen­trated climbing knowledge was put to work. The team felt right at home and quickly went about the job of pushing its limits and testing each detail in the most exact way. The successful climbing day was rounded out by a touching and impressive talk by the LOWA PRO Team athlete Simon Gietl in the evening.

Simon Gietl Pakistan

“The brain is the most important muscle in climbing. But it also has to have the right equipment.”

Simon Gietl | LOWA PRO Team

As dawn broke on the third day, the productive and event-filled meeting slowly drew to a close, and the group had to part ways – until the next meeting of the athletes during which LOWA will once again ask the moun­tain­eering stars to put the company’s latest prototypes to the test.

  • Gietl Kaiser Klettern Lowa Athleten Meeting Papert lowa